„B25” Ltd. is a construction company that conducts casting of concrete floors, surfaces, leveling layers „Estrik” as well as monolithic concreting. The company employs experienced and professional workers with significant experience in the construction of concrete floors and their maintenance. The company personnel has remained constant. The employees regularly take training courses regarding technologies and materials, on the basis of the technical literature of the American Concrete Institute. The construction work as such is carried out by more than 70 workers. On average, the company casts 200 000 m² and more of concrete floors and surfaces. B25 uses own machinery, LASER SCREED concrete casting machine, ALLEN surface leveling instruments as well as new technologies manufactured by TEREX and BARTELL. The clients of the company include contractors and direct clients. We constantly collaborate with general contractors: „Merks” Ltd., „PBLC” Ltd., „ARS Domina” Ltd., „Bukoteks” Ltd., „Skonto Būve” Ltd., „Velve” Ltd., „RRB Celtniecība” Ltd., „Merko Lietuva” Ltd., "NCC Konstrukcija" Ltd. etc. To our clients we offer full after-warranty floor maintenance service and consultations in concrete structure design and construction, as well as Fiber concrete floor project calculation. We are convinced that people working in our field value qualitative and constant training in the use of new technologies and practical experience in construction work. „B25” Ltd. pays particular attention to increasing manufacturing capacity, introducing new technologies and training employees to improve the quality and quantity indicators.