What are the main factors that influence floor quality?
B25 answers: The floor quality is influenced by three very significant factors. Make sure that the choice of the concrete floor construction is adequate to the planned loads for the concrete floor. Make sure that the chosen materials are of a high quality. And finally, make sure that the company that sets up the concrete floors has the corresponding qualification, professionalism and experience.
How many m² of concrete can be cast on average during a single day?
B25 answers: On average, 2000m²-3000m² can be cast per day (24 hours).
What is the difference between traditionally reinforced concrete floors and fiber concrete floors?
B25 answers: Fiber concrete increases the resistance of the cast concrete layer to vibration, since exposure of the steel reinforcement mesh to vibration can create the shifting/crumbling of the concrete layer. Fiber concrete decreases the creation of cracks during concrete hardening. Replacing the steel reinforcement with fiber reinforcement, the thickness of the reinforcement is significantly reduced, retaining the load capacity of concrete. Fiber concrete floors can be cast in a shorter period of time than concrete floors with traditional reinforcement.
What concrete floor toppings are used and when?
B25 answers: In our practice we work with hardened (on cement basis), chemically hardened and ground concrete floor toppings, as well as epoxide, acrylic and polyurethane toppings. Further information on each type is provided in the section Concrete floor toppings. These toppings are mostly used depending on the floor requirements. For example, in storehouses, in the food industry, manufacturing units, supermarkets, car service, etc.